Center for Multicultural Education

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Center for Multicultural Education


The center concentrates on activity in the areas of multicultural education including: teaching, service & research activities to improve practices related to race, ethnicity, social economic status, social justice, equity issues, intergroup relations, and the achievement of students of color. The center provides professional development support, technical assistance, resources for the rural & urban schools, university students, teachers, faculty, staff and administrators with individual and systemic change for multicultural education & diversity. It also serves as a resource center for dissemination of research articles and materials.


©2006. Porter Lee Troutman , Jr., Director
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
College of Education
4505 Maryland Parkway
Las Vegas Nevada, Nevada 89154- 3005
702- 895-4407 Fax 702-895-4898
Maintained by N. Rongratana
Term of Use